Tuesday, 10 January 2012


“To belong nowhere is a blessing and a curse, like any kind of freedom.” 

I've always been a true believer that dreaming is never impossible. I always dreamed that someday i'll be travelling around the world. It's always been such joy knowing that fantasy and dreams are sometimes our only companion during hard times.

I'm wearing:

Roebnoerm varsity jacket, Parachute Michael Jackson Edition print-tee, Unbranded black sheer pants, Kappa sneakers, mum's plaid scarf. 

xx, Rafi

Tribal Manner

It's after school and i'm super exhausted. Did a shot today:) My camera is under repair so I did this with my extremely crappy webcam. I edited it somehow with various effects so that it looks better.

I'm wearing :
Mum's vintage tribal shirt, Urban pipeline creme shorts, Exsport sling bag, Reebok polar cap

xx, Rafi

A daybreak

A grotesque night has passed
Full blooms and scent of fresh magnolia fill the air
As the night sky grows untamed
As butterflies moved upon its lair

The green lush grasses was stepped after daybreak
While ladies sipped chamomile in peace
As farmers dance in the wind and pack
Laughter was never in dismiss

An expression of lies, betrayal and love collide
As children skipped throughout the lawn
A bright dream rose upon reverie
Hope is always on its own