Wednesday, 7 March 2012

We've gone cray cuz we da dopest!

Umm, so this is just a little [narcissistic] compilations of me and my sisters' webcam picture. Yeah, basically the title says all, "We've gone cray cuz we da dopest!" Heck yeah.


xx, Rafi


Hi! It's been a long time for me [obviously your favorite blogger] to update this blog. Lemme tell you the reason behind these inconveniences.

  1. I've been struggling to search and/or enter certain schools and I need LOTS of long hours to study [which basically is far from the word enjoyable and such]
  2. I've had this curfew for using the computer and yes, gonna kill myself for it.
  3. My grades are degrading and it will ironically proceed degrading if I don't start to study in constant
  4. MY NATIONAL EXAM IS IN A 1-MONTH COUNT. So no shopping, no blah-blah-blahs for a few.
I would like to present my deepest apology for these matters and I will therefore still try to update as much as I can but I still need to prioritize my essentials first, for now.

But that doesn't mean that I'll neglect you. I WON'T! Hahaha.

