For this year's Falll 2012 collection, i'll go straight to my point. I can describe the collection in three words: sublime, exotic, dandy.
Let me emphasize the first word first, sublime. This collection brought a glimpse of Old-British-India vibe to their pieces, putting bold patterns and complete with all the worn-out picturesque features of embellished appliques, ikat patterns and tapestries. There's no better word to describe such glamour to the word sublime.
Exotic? How can sublime and exotic be an absolute wrap? This collection combined two opposing cultures and mixed it in such powerful way - implying intricate ethnicity feature, urban, and a very delicate way to present how rough and manly-like those years are. Very exotic.
Thus this collection is also very dandy. It is obvious that the pale monochrome coats, outerwear and fur hats. It's very true that when people said that smart-dressed men are a turn on. Why? The models did such great work in bringing this spectacular collection.

i love your blog so much. Amazing fashion reviews.